Friday, April 16, 2010

Lying Low, doing nothing

The first 3 weeks I was in India, I was going around exploring but the same can't be said for the week that just passed. It seemed more subdued and quiet. For a start, I suffered food poisoning and was really low on energy. The only high point was that I managed to catch the Clash of The Titans movie and have an Indian cinematic experience. Do you believe that they have reclining seats in Indian cineplexes? It's true and the Indian populace have good cinematic etiquette; no phones ringing, no talking while the movie is going on and no running-commentary on the goings on on-screen.

The week ended rather quietly and I never planned any outings with the guys and since it was a weekend off for my team, most of the people in my team went back to their hometowns. I was lazing away in my room and making full use of the hotels facilities. For a start, I spent quite a lot of my time at the poolside either reading or swimming. The TV had some interesting shows going on and I can't remember when was the last time I was hooked onto tv for a long period of time.

All in all, things seem to be slowing down and now as my 5th week is nearing a close, I'm beginning to feel the slight tinge of missing home. Probably it's the loneliness in a foreign land or what but I seem to miss my dear wife more. Miss the smile of her face, the smell of her hair and her loving touch.... Well in 3 weeks, I'll be home and the first thing to be done is to hug her and feel her warm embrace...

Before signing off though, I share the one song that always makes me feel good, the lyrics-less Life in Technicolor by Coldplay...


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